Most of you know me as Sherree. A small number of my friends know me by Shez (a nickname given to me by one of those friends. Thanks, Andrew). I rarely use it outside of that circle. I guess now the world (or my corner of it, anyway), knows it.

Anyway, for those that need a tad more information about me, here goes:
I am not a natural athlete. Running does not come easy to me. I learned how to run in the Army (didn’t have a choice). I continued to run when I left and ran for many years. I stopped running in the early 2000s – doctor’s advice (I was ill at the time) and didn’t pick it up again until 2017.
I am an *older* runner, that started running in this cycle of my life in the Summer of 2017. I had quit smoking that February and gaining weight was a real concern. I hopped on the treadmill, and at first, I did a lot of walking. After a time, I started to run. I live five minutes from a great trail system and we started hiking there. One day, I decided to run (in shoes that were not made for trails), and the rest, as they say, is history.
I live in Auburn, California, home of the Western States Endurance Run, the Tevis Cup, FORMidable, Way Too Cool, Canyons, and more fabulous ultra races. Did you know that Auburn is known as the “Endurance Capital of the World? We have some of the most beautiful and toughest trails in the country.
I run on trails, roads, and treadmills, and I’m comfortable running medium to long distances (13-20) miles. I’ve run a few half marathons, a 25k, and a few 10k’s – all trail. Nothing noteworthy about my time or place, or even the races I’ve done. They were all fun.
I am currently training to run my first 50k. This is my journey.